Seeker of Bonnie Braids

by Jacqueline Arlene Campbell
(Charles Town, WV, USA)

I am 67 years old and it is my desire to purchase a Bonny Braids Doll. I want the original version of the baby, in good shape.

This may sound silly, but I have requested that my loved ones surround me with a few of the things that I loved as a child which will bring me comfort and joy in my senior years, a particularly if I should become physically incapacitated.

I am registered with E-Bay and have recently made a few purchases. I have not found any Bonnie's in good shape though.

Thanks. Arlene Campbell

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Sep 22, 2019
Bonnie Braid Doll with all Orginal Clothes
by: Liz

I have a good condition Bonnie Braid doll I am willing to sell. Please contact me at # if your looking to purchase.

Sep 10, 2019
Bonnie braid
by: Betsy

I have an original Bonnie braid doll. I am wanting to sell her. I inherited a lot of very old dolls.

Nov 16, 2016
Looking for Bonny Braids doll
by: Amie

John Taylor. I know that this is a longshot but I am looking for a Bonnie braids doll for my 86-year-old grandma. I noticed that you said you had one to sell. If that is still the case I would love the opportunity to possibly purchase this front you. It would be an amazing gift to get my grandmother This year for Christmas.

Nov 28, 2014
I have a good condition Bonny braids doll
by: John Taylor

Hi we have a Bonny braids doll that is like new and by Dona
Please contact us at 1219-996-7503 if you are interested

Oct 27, 2012
I have a Bonnie Braids doll
by: Donna

I have a Bonnie Braids doll still in the original box. My mother gave it to me when she was still alive and said "this thing will be worth money". It is in a closet and hasn't been touched by anyone for probably 35 years. I don't know what it is worth, though. That's why I was researching it on EBay and saw your comment.

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