
by Ronni

(Kestner Doll)

I have just inherited a Kestner Doll from my uncle. She is 3 feet tall and has number "111" on her head. He tagged it which read "1898". I am assuming it was made in 1898. He had purchased this doll in 1975. She has a brown wig with long pretty bologna curls.

Her mouth is open with 4 upper teeth showing. Also she has a dimple in her chin. She is beautifully dressed with a feather in her hat. Also on the tag he wrote "Dolly". Her eyes are set and they are brown.

Can anyone tell me more about her?


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Sep 28, 2015
Kestner Doll 1898.
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had posted this doll a few years ago. After checking the markings on her head it does not say 111. It says "Made in Germany. The word "in" looked like 111. She is 33 inches tall. Almost perfect. I would like to know how to tell if her clothing is original. I did take pictures but so afraid to take her dress off. She has a marking on the back in red ink. She has no chips, hairline cracks, etc. Also I would like to know how to care for her...her clothing, etc. She also has the number "18" or "78" on her scalp. She is a "Dolly Face" doll. If you would like to make any comments please email me at my new email address: Thanks in advance for any information that can be provided.

Aug 28, 2011
Picture please?
by: Anonymous

Hey I was wondering if you could put up a picture of her. I honestly am not an expert on dolls but I have been collecting for a couple of years. I had a dream of a 3 foot tall doll with brown hair and I am determined to find her somewhere.

Jan 02, 2010
Your Kestner doll
by: Elizabethkiwi

How about a picture of her face, make sure her wig is pulled back from her face so that we can see her clearly. If you can get her body without clothes in the shot too, it's helpful.....

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