MoMo's german character baby doll

by Meg
(Dresden Maine)

I am helping a friend sort through her mom and grandma's (momo) stuff. She and her husband lived in Germany after WWII and most of the antiques I've found are from that era.

I found this precious little full-bisque character doll in her craft room, sitting on a shelf just being a doll. He has a really distinct look on his face, painted eyes, jointed arms and legs, a cloth diaper with brass safety pins that I think is original, and only has marks on the inside of his legs.

It looks like 10 P or 10 J - the letter is really stylized. I'd like to be able to give my friend more info, but I can't pin this guy down.

He's about 6 inches, has molded and painted hair, fixed head, flat hands, 10 fingers and toes, and the cutest little butt dimples. I think he may be a Kestner, but he doesnt' have a Kestner mark?

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Jul 22, 2020

by: Merle

Hi Meg, thank you for the submission

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