Mary Hartline
by Gwen McCord
(Delray Beach, FL)
I have no pictures....only my memories of a time (1951) when I was able to bring laughter to my family at age 7 or 8....I would bring into the living room, where all of the family was watching TV, a bottle of Canada Dry ginger Ale, the only soda ever allowed in our home because it helped you out if you were sick.
I would simply stand, front and center, caress the bottle to my cheek and say "Canada Dry, and with a great big wink finish with the rest of the sentence, as Mary did in her famous commercial,...."It's a real good buy"
Have never ever looked at a bottle of Canada Dry without thinking of the beautiful Mary Hartline and Canada Dry....many little girls wanted to look just like her. I never did get a doll. Can't believe anyone else remembers her.