Kestner baby doll

by Ann
(Woodstock, NY)

I have my mother's baby doll. Since my mother was born in 1906, I'm guessing the doll must've been given to her when she was around 8 yrs. old, hence circa 1914.(?) It's a bisque socket-head, blue sleep eyes,finely painted brows and lashes, mouth showing 2 teeth. Back of neck marked JDK 226. About 21"-23".

Original baby dress and bonnet very fragile. Silk bonnet disintegrating. (I have baby clothes from the early 1900's that would fit her, that are in very good condition.) I'm interested to know in what price range she might be, and the best way to try sell her.

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Nov 14, 2009
Your Mothers Kestner antique doll
by: Elizabeth NZ

Your Kestner doll sounds lovely. The best way to sell it, my opinion only, is either on ebay or ruby lane. Whichever way you do it, make sure you take good clear photos of the whole doll without clothes. Carefully examine the bisque head for cracks/hairlines/scuffs, pull up the neck slightly so that you can see whether the neck hole has any chips. State in your auction how big dolly is, whether or not it has sleeping eyes, and state clearly what markings are on the back of dollys neck. Collectors love to know that a bisque head is okay, bodies are not usually perfect but we can generally cope with that.
Good luck, you have a great quality doll with your Kestner...

Nov 14, 2009
Your Mothers Kestner antique doll
by: Anonymous

Your Kestner doll sounds lovely. The best way to sell it, my opinion only, is either on ebay or ruby lane. Whichever way you do it, make sure you take good clear photos of the whole doll without clothes. Carefully examine the bisque head for cracks/hairlines/scuffs, pull up the neck slightly so that you can see whether the neck hole has any chips. State in your auction how big dolly is, whether or not it has sleeping eyes, and state clearly what markings are on the back of dollys neck. Collectors love to know that a bisque head is okay, bodies are not usually perfect but we can generally cope with that.
Good luck, you have a great quality doll with your Kestner...

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