Fabric body, felt arms, leg and molded felt face.

by Mary Kramarz
(Coulterville, CA)

mark on dolls undergarment

mark on dolls undergarment

I found this doll in a box of my Great Aunts stuff. I have no idea the maker, some people have told me she looks like a Lenci.

I did remove her felt dress carefully and found a mark on her undergarment. I am not having much luck in identifying her maker on my own and would like help if any one could give me info.

She is in very poor condition, has very little hair and her head has some holes in it. Her body is in very good condition for her age but she is dirty.
Can anybody help me with info?

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May 15, 2010
I was only able to post one picture
by: Mary

I was needing info on the mark, there are no other marks on the doll at all. The site only let me put one pic with my question. Email shyone1952@gmail and I will email pics to you.

May 15, 2010
Fabric body, felt arms, leg and molded fett face
by: Anonymous

Help! No picture of the face!

Mark: Lenci in script on cloth and various paper tags, sometimes stamped on bottom of feet.

Also Lenci-type were made by other firms in Italy, England, France and Australia. No makers marks on actual dolls.

The numbrer 91 on the undergarment looks like someone just wrote it on there, not a model number.

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