doll with X it kestner??

by francis

hiya, I have been trying to do some research on this doll and cannot find her identity.

I hear that Kestner dolls can have an x or xi on their heads as markings, this lovely doll has a mark deep down on her lower neck that looks like a cross or an x.

She also has the number 11 in the mid back of head and the number 8 on the top back of head and body also, can anybody shed any light, she is 24" long. Thank you

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Oct 01, 2011
X XI Kestner Dolls
by: Anonymous

Your doll may be made by Kestner in that his firm often used only the size number for earlier dolls. However, it is not what is often referred to as the Kestner X or XI doll which are both very early closed mouth dolls with very pouty expressions. On those dolls, which would be very valuable indeed, the upper lip is very prominent and the molded lower lip is molded in to give the appearance of a pouty or petulant child. They have prominent double chins often with a pronounced cleft in the chin. Your doll, however, is lovely and worth several hundred dollars.

May 24, 2011
head marked 9 and 11
by: francis

Apologies for making a mistake in original text, her head is in fact marked 9 on back of head with an 11 in the mid back and an x (or is it perhaps a cross sign?)down on the base of the head, instead of it being an 8 as i mentioned in earlier text, thankyou!

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