China Doll only mark is an N

by Robin Hoffman
(Waynesville, Missouri)

I have a blond-haired china doll given to me when I was around 10 years old (now I am 59), by a family friend who at the time was in her 80's that had belonged to her as a child but given to her by a neighbor that was also in her 80's who got it new when she was a child.

The only marking is an N at the base of the headpiece in the back. The cloth body is filled with sawdust. She has china arms (past the elbow joint) and china legs with painted on black boots. The petticoats have bloomers and are original to the doll and very yellowed.

There is a string of black glass beads around her neck. When I got the doll she had a long calico dress on that was in very bad shape.

My mother had a family friend make a blue velvet dress in the same style for her.

I am curious about where she was made. I have never been able to find the N mark anywhere. I would guess the age to be around 200 years.

Thank you for anything you can tell me about her.

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Aug 12, 2020

by: Merle

Hi Robin, thank you for the submission

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