"Carrie's Doll"
by Carol Forshaw
(Englewood, Ohio)
My mother (98 yrs) gave me her mother's doll recently. She is 27" tall with blue sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, pierced ears with drop pearl earrings and a tiny dimple on her chin.
The markings on her neck are "14, Germany, 99, DEP, HANDWERCK, 5 1/2". I think her clothes are original. She is dressed as a young child. Her hair is a blond wig with shoulder length finger curls and she is wearing a wide brimmed straw has with a satin ribbon tied under her chin.
She has a hard body with flexible joints. She visited a doll hospital many years ago and they didn't clean her hands because they were afraid the fingers might break.
I have lovely photos of her.