Brother faced fear of dolls...

by Saber Alexander
(Omaha, NE)

So my birthday is this month, and my brother has a fear of dolls. But he saw one he thought I would like for my antique/vintage toy collection (it's mostly dolls--I favor ones most would consider creepy) and so he went in and got brother is awesome.

The older guy at the antique store was awesome, too. I am a man, and a lot of people at least blink that I collect dolls. But when he asked my brother if he collects, he said "no, my brother here does" and the guy didn't even blink.

I looked up her model and brand and figured out what she is. She has a pink and white dress, black shoes, and white/pink/blue socks. Trying to figure if socks/shoes/underwear/dress are original, but that seems tougher than I would have thought.

Shoes have "made in Hong Kong" stickers and underwear has a small tag inside that says the same, so maybe not? Not sure if those stickers were around 70 years ago.


I love the doll and she has joined my collection. She does have the "cheese" smell, which is unfortunate, but she's not the only one in my collection that does, so...meh. No biggie.

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