
by Barbara Brandt
(Tallahassee FL )

Now that I'm past 70 years old I feel it is time to part with many of my cherished childhood dolls.

Bonnie Braids is among those. She arrived to me in the mail after a scratch off contest. Friends could made a 25 cents contribution and got to "scratch off" a card to see if they could also win a Bonnie Braids doll. When the card was full of quarters it was mailed in to receive the prize.

Bonnie's skin is still much like it was when she arrived. It has not darkened or split with age since she was always inside our home & usually in a glass cabinet.

She is dressed in her original long white organdy gown with pink bed jacket and still has the tag attached at the bodice, and has her socks & underpants.

Unfortunately she no longer has the tiny ribbons in her hair or her toothbrush or paste.

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Dec 21, 2013
wanting bonnie braids
by: betty belcher

My bonnie braids burnt up in our house fire lightening strike. I'm seventy but still miss my Bonnie braids.

Dec 21, 2013
wanting bonnie braids
by: betty belcher

My bonnie braids burnt up in our house fire lightening strike. I'm seventy but still miss my Bonnie braids.

Oct 24, 2013
Bonnie braids
by: Anonymous

I am interested in Bonny as I also got her for Christmas.

Aug 05, 2012
Looking for Bonny Braids
by: Terri

Barbara, please contact me if you still have yours... I am looking for one as a gift for my mother....

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