Famous Character Shelf Dolls from the movies and oil Company advertising
Many of us were fortunate enough to have relatives or family friends who crocheted outfits for dolls who were sold nude.
"Lingerie Lou" was quite popular with her hard plastic bra and panties that had snap closures. Many crochet patterns were available, one was "Dolls of Famous Women in History".
My loving grandmother labored hours creating the clothing on such dolls as gifts for me and my cousins. According to the pattern pictured, these are "Queen of Sheba" and "Queen Elizabeth".
Below is an advertising for crochet patterns.
And there were many, many more! Indians, Eskimos, military and religious.
After seeing the movie "Broken Arrow" with James Stewart ........my own childhood Indian girl was re-named Son-see-ray after the character played by Debra Paget........his ill fated bride. That is a child's version of the name..........really do not know the correct spelling.
As late as the 1970's similar dolls were manufactured. This is one of a series of 12 internationally dressed dolls given as a premium .....only .99 cents each with purchase .....at Atlantic Richfield gas stations.
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